_orig_referrer |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track landing pages. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
_landing_page |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track landing pages. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
_ab |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with access to the admin view of an online store platform. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
_secure_session_id |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track a user's session through the multi-step checkout process and keep their order, payment and shipping details connected. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
1 day |
cart |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a shopping cart. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
cart_sig |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. It is used to verify the integrity of the cart and to ensure performance of some cart operations. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
cart_ts |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
cart_ver |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with the shopping cart. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
cart_currency |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and it is set after a checkout is completed to ensure that new carts are in the same currency as the last checkout. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
checkout_token |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a checkout service. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
1 year |
storefront_digest |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and it stores a digest of the storefront password, allowing merchants to preview their storefront while it's password protected. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 years |
cookieconsent_status |
This cookie is associated with the app Consentmo GDPR Compliance and is used for storing the customer's consent. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Consentmo |
1 year |
cookieconsent_preferences_disabled |
This cookie is associated with the app Consentmo GDPR Compliance and is used for storing the customer's consent. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Consentmo |
1 day |
_shopify_m |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used for managing customer privacy settings. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
1 year |
_shopify_tm |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used for managing customer privacy settings. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
30 minutes |
_shopify_tw |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used for managing customer privacy settings. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 weeks |
_tracking_consent |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to store a user's preferences if a merchant has set up privacy rules in the visitor's region. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
1 year |
tracked_start_checkout |
This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
1 year |
_customer_account_shop_sessions |
Used in combination with the _secure_account_session_id cookie to track user sessions for new customer accounts. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
30 days |
_secure_account_session_id |
Used to track user sessions for new customer accounts. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
30 days |
_shopify_country |
For stores where the currency/price page is determined by GeoIP, this cookie stores the page we found. This cookie helps to avoid GeoIP verification after the first application. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
session |
_storefront_u |
Used to facilitate updating customer account information. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 minute |
_cmp_a |
Used to manage customer privacy settings. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 day |
c |
Not available |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Not available |
checkout |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
4 weeks |
customer_account_locale |
Used in connection with new customer accounts. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
dynamic_checkout_shown_on_cart |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
30 minutes |
hide_shopify_pay_for_checkout |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
session |
shopify_pay |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
shopify_pay_redirect |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
60 minutes |
shop_pay_accelerated |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
keep_alive |
Used in conjunction with buyer localization. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
2 weeks |
source_name |
Used in combination with mobile apps to provide personalized checkout behavior when browsing a compatible mobile app store. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
session |
master_device_id |
Used in conjunction with merchant login. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
2 years |
previous_step |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
discount_code |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
session |
remember_me |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
checkout_session_lookup |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
3 weeks |
checkout_prefill |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
5 minutes |
checkout_queue_token |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
checkout_queue_checkout_token |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 year |
checkout_worker_session |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
3 days |
checkout_session_token |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
3 weeks |
cookietest |
Use it to make sure our systems are working properly. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 minute |
order |
Used in conjunction with the order status page. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
3 weeks |
identity-state |
It is used in connection with user identification. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 day |
card_update_verification_id |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 day |
customer_account_new_login |
It is used in connection with user identification. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
20 minutes |
customer_account_preview |
It is used in connection with user identification. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
7 days |
customer_payment_method |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
60 minutes |
customer_shop_pay_agreement |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 minute |
pay_update_intent_id |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
20 minutes |
localization |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
2 weeks |
profile_preview_token |
Used in connection with payments. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
5 minutes |
login_with_shop_finalize |
It is used in connection with user identification. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
5 minutes |
preview_theme |
It is used in conjunction with the theme editor. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
session |
shopify-editor-unconfirmed-settings |
It is used in conjunction with the theme editor. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
1 day |
wpm-test-cookie |
Use it to make sure our systems are working properly |
Strictly Required Cookies |
session |
secure_customer_sig |
Used in connection with customer login. |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Shopify |
2 years |
baMet_visit |
Not available |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Not available |
Not available |
baMet_baEvs |
Not available |
Strictly Required Cookies |
Not available |
Not available |